July Carnival: Purpose?

June 21-25 is the date of the 2006 UUA General Assembly.  While not all UU bloggers will be attending the event, quite a few will, or will be contemplating the topics discussed during these few days.

Our first carnival theme, then, is an oldie but a goodie for UU's.  What is our purpose?  Or, alternately, what is my purpose being within a Unitarian Universalist congregation?  Or, finally, should we even talk about the "Purpose Question"?

As Unitarian Universalists range from humanists to Christians to Buddhists to pagans, I suspect we'll have variety in our answers.  Use the Submission Page to enter your email, blog post URL and a summary of your contents.  You can also nominate fellow bloggers.

Explore posts in the same categories: Themes, When?

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