Welcome to the UU Carnival!

Each month, a Unitarian Universalist blogger will host the best and brightest in the UU blogosophere. We’re trying to bring new bloggers into focus and encourage thoughtful writing about UU-related topics.

How does this work?

1. If you want to submit your stuff, send your email, post URL, and a short description in an email to uucarnival at gmail dot com.

2. Our rotating host will decide which posts reflect the best writing on our monthly theme, and email bloggers when they’ve been chosen.

3. If you want to host, send an email to uucarnival at gmail dot com, and the UU Carnie will assign you a month (and a theme if you don’t have one in mind).

That’s it! Our first carnival date is sometime in July–details to be announced later. 

Please limit yourself to one submission per round, so that everyone can share in the fun. 

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