First Carnival Deadline: Midnight July 6

Please submit a post for the current UU Carnival, slated to appear on ArbitraryMarks July 7th 2006. The (loose) topic is “purpose” and, for our inaugural carnival, I think any well-written and articulate post relevant to the General Assembly and the larger goals of Unitarian Universalism will be considered.

If you would like to nominate yourself or someone else, please use the submission form or tag the post within or Technorati: UUCARNIVAL0706

As well, please let me know by email (arbitrary.marks (at) if you would like to join the newsletter test list. When it is fully functional, I’ll put a post here.

Finally, for the initial carnival, I will scour the Internet for folks who don’t submit but have good stuff. You may find yourself here in two weeks. Considered yourself warned…

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2 Comments on “First Carnival Deadline: Midnight July 6”

  1. Sean Says:

    I got the letter asking me to confirm my sub to the newsletter, but the link was broken, making it impossible to confirm. It gave me a “500” error, saying there was a “hiccup” in the server…

  2. ck Says:

    You’re confirmed on the list manually–I’ll check the technical side of things. Thanks for the heads up.

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