UU Carnival Administration

All, if you’ve been paying attention, you’ll notice that we’ve skipped an installment of the UU Blog Carnival.  Why?  I got really busy.  That’s a bad thing, leaving a project like this in the hands of one person, whose “real life” can get in the way.  What I’d like to do is open up the administration of the carnival to three other people.  This would allow one person to maintain only three months worth of carnivals, on a rotating basis.  (You wouldn’t necessarily host each month, just be responsible for putting up the announcement and selecting a host.)

If anyone is interested, please send me an email (arbitrary dot marks at gmail dot com) and let me know.  My goal is to make the carnival self-sustaining by summer of 2007. I think it can happen–the number of UUs currently posting, and the success of the UUpdates website demonstrate there are Unitarian Universalists looking for good content.

Comments are closed.  Email me if you would like to discuss the project.

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